With college coming to an end, life ahead has been getting a lot of thought. What’s life going to be like and what’s my income going to be when I graduate remains a mystery. Living in my apartment this summer has made me realize how easy it is to get a dialed ass life and be happy as shit for close to no moneys. So this is a list of a few things that make me happy that you don’t need a big fat salary to have.
Food; Stay stocked on lots of yummies.
Keep stuff working; Save money by fixing shit yourself. Car, bike, keep everything running solid and less headaches ensue.
Happy at work; Work somewhere you can get free food at, those are the best jobs.
Clothing; Get a wardrobe that makes you like what you see on a daily basis. Whatchulooklike matters. People judge whether you think its right or not.
Music; Take time and illegally download some music that you like. Don’t stress it, everyone just does things to make themselves happy from being nice to others to stealing shit. Its all gravy.
Friends; My friends kick ass. You know who you are.
Integrity; Your word/name is what you make it. Stay legit, everything in life works better.
Keep stuff organized; Less stress. I foldered everything up on my computer, got rid of shit, backed it up, don’t keep a single icon on my desktop. I may have OCD too.
Keep place clean; It’s free, it makes you feel like you’re living in a nice place instead of temporary housing constructed for WWII veterans.
Health; do it
As long as you don’t make stupid decisions and fuck up in a big way it’s easy to maintain all these things and be happy as tits.
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