

What are the chances that on the same day a girl walks into my sub shop bearing a striking resemblence to my ex someone would decide to park their 1996, matador red pearl, 4 door Inegra LS right outside my window so that every time I look outside I'm reminded of how shitty it feels to have your car stolen? Why would the two most emotionally significant events of the past four months come full circle on one rainy, shitty day like today? And as if only to add insult to injury, parked in the foreground is my current whip flaunting its sheek new trash bag eye-patch. Super.


Why do you ride bmx? Do you ride alone or with friends? It’s for the thrill right? Do you wear a helmet?

Why are we living. Why do we choose to live instead of just wither away? Tell me that and you have your answer.


number before the next number

A few days ago my physical therapist had a moment of intuition and explained that "it's not like I'm making a million dollars [riding bmx]." Back when I started riding a fellow student said to me; "so basically you just ride around and do random shit" while trying to grasp the concept of BMX. Another engineer always tried to get me to "stop riding before I kill myself." He would say it in such an all-knowing sort of way.

they just don't understaaaand maaaan. They don't understand passion. Thats a shallow ass life.



I get stupid some times. Depending on how social I am, and how much I'm enjoying life, I get more dumb. I end up answering questions like "what is 7 plus 16" with a delayed "I have no idea" because my mind is off. The arithmatic is usually solved by the other person at which point I just say whatever number they said, think about it some more, and nod my head once I get it. Sometimes when people are talking to me I just hear words and end up blankly staring at them as I haven't formulated any sense out of what they just said. I like it when my mind is off and plan on keeping it that way for as much of summer as possible.



havent watched this yet, i know it's going to be good.



My camera phone died on me, which means I couldn't take a picture of the tricycle I saw in a bike rack next to two road bikes, or the "YO <3 ESPANA" bumper sticker I saw earlier. Here's a few randoms in memory of the camera.

See the gap above the front wheel? Thats because theres no engine to weigh it down. RIP teggy.

If I thank them for the free meal does that mean I get one?



This is so good



I never realized how legit grape soda was.

this is funnys.


I have this disposition where as long as I am physically capable of riding, no matter how much pain I’m in, I will go riding. It never fails. Even if my back is too hurt to bunny hop or manual, which takes out essentially every trick in street riding, I’ll go out and just do nose manuals and foot jams.

I’m headed to the beach for a few days without the bmx. I know that in four days I’m going to have not done my homework, be out of shape from drinking and have much more important things to do. But I also know that, because of my disposition, I am going to go riding instead of being productive. It’s inevitable that in a week I will be in pain and have a ‘to-do’ list up to here! from riding my bike instead of going to the gym to strengthen my back like I should have. I’m not worried about it, I just know it will be there and I’m going to have to deal with it.

Creepy window display

And the reason I will knowingly make the ‘poor’ choice of going riding is because of this (click). This is how thinking about these philosophies pays its dividends. Next week I can be in a completely shit state of health and life and won’t be depressed, thinking poorly of myself, or freaking out about school. Everything is supposed to be messed up in a week, I’m already over it.

(Apartment complex in Montreal)

And besides, it will be Friday by that point, which means drinking will solve all of my problems.


Whoever made this has ADD. Theres a huge over double peg at :40.

been going through physical therapy for my back, working a ton and taking online courses and riding as much as I can.



I was out until it was light out last night getting and then being drunk (yea liver!) and consequently woke up in a pissy mood. On my way home for my causeines birthday I found something to get mad about for each and every car that was in front of me. While cruising home with the windows down and some sun roasting my arms I conversely recollected the previous nights and weeks and ended up thinking about how amazing my life is. I finally got enough solid positives to make this post.

With college coming to an end, life ahead has been getting a lot of thought. What’s life going to be like and what’s my income going to be when I graduate remains a mystery. Living in my apartment this summer has made me realize how easy it is to get a dialed ass life and be happy as shit for close to no moneys. So this is a list of a few things that make me happy that you don’t need a big fat salary to have.

Food; Stay stocked on lots of yummies.
Keep stuff working; Save money by fixing shit yourself. Car, bike, keep everything running solid and less headaches ensue.
Happy at work; Work somewhere you can get free food at, those are the best jobs.
Clothing; Get a wardrobe that makes you like what you see on a daily basis. Whatchulooklike matters. People judge whether you think its right or not.
Music; Take time and illegally download some music that you like. Don’t stress it, everyone just does things to make themselves happy from being nice to others to stealing shit. Its all gravy.
Friends; My friends kick ass. You know who you are.
Integrity; Your word/name is what you make it. Stay legit, everything in life works better.
Keep stuff organized; Less stress. I foldered everything up on my computer, got rid of shit, backed it up, don’t keep a single icon on my desktop. I may have OCD too.
Keep place clean; It’s free, it makes you feel like you’re living in a nice place instead of temporary housing constructed for WWII veterans.
Health; do it

As long as you don’t make stupid decisions and fuck up in a big way it’s easy to maintain all these things and be happy as tits.